rant 0010

recently, i saw a post on a linkedin group in which an apparent leftist, whom i will call sasha, says that she can think of "plenty of reasons" to trash a college republican party, or that party in general.  she goes on to say that such people have a "sad inability to engage in ... discourse on a particular issue," and deleting comments that don't agree with their "uneducated" rhetoric.  i tried to post there, but LI has a ridiculously small comment size, so i posted an edited version of the first paragraph of the following screed, then put a link to this post at the end.  i hope she reads it, but "deleting posts" and not reading answers is common to folks on both sides of current issues.  as i note at the end of this post, i hope that i can actually talk with people like her, because i happen to agree that refusing to listen to the other side is *ALWAYS* a Bad Idea.

really, Sasha?  i'm a nazicrat, and have been for fifty years; i have no interest in changing my party affiliation, because i don't - or rather, i did not in the past - vote by party affiliation in elections, but ever since 2016, when the Stupid Party (republicans, who have good ideas which they are unable to articulate or organize in order to implement) somehow managed to squeak their candidate by the nazicrat candidate, and which winning candidate was then impugned by the nazicrats with lies (if they weren't lies, why isn't DJT in prison?), and the nazicrat legacy media, social media, entertainment industry, and universities openly collaborated with lies, i have decided that since every candidate of either party must start somewhere, i will *NEVER* vote for a nazicrat again.  i make sure to vote in every nazicrat primary, so that the party hacks are sure to come around to my home to encourage me to vote (for their agenda, of course); since they have to be polite and continue to listen to me as i politely engage them, i am able to waste their time and prevent them from lying to other people.  i know very well that i cannot change their minds, since they are hard-core nazicrats, but it warms the cockles of my heart to know that i have tied up the resources of fascists who - unknowingly or not - are helping to destroy freedom in the us and cause the rise of the USSA.

and in case U didn't know it (i graduated high school in 1970, and got my BS in 1976, and i didn't know it until almost four decades later), fascism came from the LEFT, not the right.  mussolini was the first fascist, and he was a revolutionary socialist who wanted the proletariat to revolt (most socialists of the time were communists), and didn't understand why they didn't (lenin, who wrote the famous pamphlet "What is to be Done?" about the lack of revolution of the proletariat, also wondered why there was no revolution).  almost all the original fascist leaders (all whom i found, anyway) were either socialists or syndicalists (radical revolutionary unionists, who wanted a general strike to shut down all commerce to cause societal collapse, and thence a revolution of the proletariat); it was not until fascism was actually in control that everyday thugs were able to take higher ranks in the Party, since they were the most successful socialists, and got the most rapid promotions.  mussonlini spent some years in switzerland in the first decade of the twentieth century, and was deeply affected by georges sorel, a syndicalist, who put forth the idea of "myths" or "noble lies" in order to organize the union of everybody.  it did not matter to sorel that these "myths" were untrue, because the idea was to be able to organize people, and anything that enhanced the ability to do so he considered a Good Thing.

the proletariat and the bourgeoisie are valid categories of people, but just like tall and short people, or fat and skinny people, or blue-eyed people and non-blue-eyed people, those who fall into each group do not necessarily feel affinity to one another or to the group.  mussolini recognized this, and organized italian fascists into "italians" and "non-italians," and used irredentist claims on lands around the aegean sea to fire up the former group.  everybody in either of mussolini's groups understood intuitively the group into which they fell, whether or not they agreed with him, and those in the larger group felt a great affinity for their group (ever hear of the tyranny of the majority?).  unlike the made-up marxist categories, people responded to the fascist groupings, and fascism made great strides in 1920s italy, and  then in 1930s germany, where The Leader used racial and ethnic groupings (jewish, slavic, gypsy, homosexual, et al.) vs. "germanic" with great success.  in both cases, whether or not people agreed with the fascists (a nazi is just a racist fascist), everybody understood the categories, and knew into which group they fell.

the best current example of a fascist nation, BTW, is the PRC.  in the various flavors of communism, all the means of production *MUST* be owned by The State.  the PRC stopped that practice in the early 1980s with the ascent of deng xiaoping to the control of The Party.  in fascism, the Party recognizes that it does not have the expertise to control everything directly, while communism believes that it must, and appoints a Party member to control every field.  the communist Party member needs only to be a good Party member; expertise in any other field is unnecessary.  fascists, recognizing their lack of expertise, let the peons have their businesses and let them earn money (unless a Party member wants the business or money for himself, of course, in which case he steals it), so long as they obey Party mandates without question.  the current situation in the PRC would be repulsive to a dedicated communist of *ANY* flavor; regardless of what the Party calls itself in the PRC, the PRC is indeed a fascist nation, is the world's oldest fascist government at forty years, is the most successful fascist government in history, and is on track to be the world's single superpower after they subdue the US and turn us into a vassal state (which is what the chinese always did in the days of the various imperial dynasties).

as an example of issuing orders to a business sector, the US and Canada used to be the world's largest producers of rare-earth metals.  these metals are not rare; they were apparently called that because it was hard to separate elements in the lanthanide and actinide series of elements of the periodic table in the nineteenth century, when these elements first began to be discovered.  the PRC decided that they wanted the market, so they re-organized *ALL* companies that produced rare-earth materials, shutting some down, merging others, and setting a *CEILING* price for the finished ingots of metal at a price *BELOW* the raw ore produced by the US and Canadian mines.  as a natural result, all the US and Canadian open-pit mines in western north america shut down, and almost all the world's rare earth metals are now produced by the PRC.  if any US mines are still open, i have no doubt that they are owned by companies owned or controlled by PRC companies.

so why would they want that market?  well, it so happens that electric motors that need to turn very slowly are *FAR* more efficient if they are DC electric motors; motors that spend all their time spinning at higher speeds can be AC electric motors, but these latter moters become *HUGE* energy hogs when they must turn slowly, because the magnetic fields that turn them need to be strong, and they cannot be strong unless very large currents are flowing.  if an AC motor is spinning rapidly, the mechanical momentum of the system being run by the motors helps maintain the motion, and the system only needs momentary "bumps" to add enough energy into the system to keep it moving (rather like pushing a swingset at the right time to keep the swing going).  DC motors, OTOH, have magnets in them, and these magnets have a magnetic field even with no power applied.  as it happens, rare earth metals can store up to eighteen times more magnetic energy than the same magnets without rare earth metals (usually neodymium) in them; this means that a DC motor can have a *much* smaller magnet and be able to spin a motor with the same strength.  can U say "hard disk drive" (HDD)?  how about "electric vehicle motors?"  by capturing this market, the PRC forced nations like the US to buy from them.  what do U think would happen should there be a "warm" (non-nuclear) war between the PRC and the US?  remember that it only takes *ONE* nation to carry out a war.

in the end, a fascist nation will do far better than a communist nation.  the USSR suffered under trofim lysenko, who believed in lamarckism, in which it is believed that acquired characteristics of individuals of a species can be passed on to progeny, rather than in darwinism, in which genetics determines what gets passed on; agriculture in the USSR suffered immensely under his mistaken ideas, up until the mid-1960s, when he was finally removed from power.  his stupid ideas were the cause of famines in the ukraine, russia, and even in other communist countries, like the early PRC, where his ideas were implemented when it was still communist.  unfortunately, as we can see today, a fascist nation has no problem "re-educating" people whom it sees as "troublemakers."  besides lysenkoism causing famines in the early PRC, other stupid communist efforts also caused massive numbers of deaths in china; anywhere from 30 million to 45 million chinese people starved to death (and they weren't mostly uighurs then, unlike today).  in fact, one could almost say that the PRC is being very generous to the uighurs, whom they often allow to live (neutered, of course) after release (if they survive re-education) and after their young children have been removed and adopted by Good Party members; after the last uighur named muhammed dies childless of old age, there will be no more muslims in the PRC.  they *could* have just shot them all regardless, because it would have been quicker and cheaper (no guards needed for dead people, unlike concentration camps).  if that tickles a person's "do something - ANYTHING" management bones, then that person might be a fascist.  as for myself, i *DETEST* fascism and communism, along with all other flavors of socialism, because people WILL DIE when *ANY* flavor of socialism is implemented.

to me, it appears that the people who want to stop free speech are not those in the Stupid Party, but those in my very own nazicrat party.  if U have evidence of people from the Stupid Party stifling free speech, please provide evidence of same.  i would venture a guess that most social media platforms that remove or hide posts do so in almost all cases with *conservative* posts, not leftist ones.  again, if U have different evidence (i'm only guessing, so i really mean it), *PLEASE* post it; e.g., mr. biden's administration appears to want to shut down anti-vaxxers on facebook (with the latter's help, of course), rather than speak with them to try to convince them of their errors.  i'm not an anti-vaxxer - i have had the moderna vaccine, and i haven't croaked - but i *FULLY* support anybody who won't be bullied by either The State or huge corporations into doing something which they don't want to do.  wouldn't it be better if we *TALKED* to one another, rather than sent the police (or "antifa," the nazicrat brownshsirts, or BLM, the current marxists) around to "re-educate" each other?  the solution for hateful and stupid speech is *MORE* speech - speech that refutes the lies of hateful speech.  U may believe that U are right, and that i am wrong, but unless U are *PERFECT* and have *NEVER* made any mistakes, that will not always be the case.  what if i happen to be right, and U happen to be wrong, when U stop me from speaking?  any human being can either talk or force his opponents to STFU; racism plays no part in discussion, unless U happen to be speaking with a kluxer or a nazi (the *real* ones, not posers who are just white supremacists and don't understand real nazism).  let's talk politely, because a polite discussion with an idiot like me is better than shooting at one another.  don't U think so?


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