rant 0005

just a quick post today; i have found a blog whose writer is an american of whom i am proud to be a fellow citizen.  redpilljew dot blogspot dot com is subtitled "Musings from a capital-C Conservative American Jew," and is the blog of a man who understands that in the main, the State is a dangerous organization which must have constant oversight by free people in order to keep it under control.  he noted in one post (http://redpilljew.blogspot.com/2018/01/civilizational-collapse-and-brain.html) that "a lack of stimulation of a brain structure in infancy and developmental years often leads to deficiencies in performance of that structure in adulthood," then goes on to present an idea which i had not considered before, which i will present in his own words: 

Any advanced and thriving civilization has large numbers of people – especially at the top of the pile – who are comfortable and safe, and are so for generations.  This lack of meaningful threats, from birth onward, causes the amygdalae structures in the brain to not fully develop compared to prior, more stressed, generations because of a lack of stimulation; thus, the ability to recognize actual threats has atrophied.  This leads to the society as an aggregate, and the leadership class in particular, taking actions that they do not recognize as dangerous, which result in the collapse of the civilization.

interesting.  maybe the hard-core left (who have *not* lost the use of *their* amygdalae, BTW) is using the shriveled, unstimulated amygdalae of the elite, safe-for-generations nominally-left to seize control of the world.  hmm-m-m ...


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