
Showing posts from May, 2019


the notice on the Blogger control panel is interesting; it tells me that i am responsible for compliance with european union laws regarding notice to my readers (all zero of them) of the use of cookies and google tools.  i *was* born in paris, but my parents were american-born, and were both in the employ of the u.s. national government at the time; furthermore, i have not touched foot in eurabia since i was two months old, numerous decades ago.  i rather expect that the worst that the eurabian dictatorship can do to me is block my blog, because i don't give a rat's a** *what* they think, or do.  they're all a bunch of leftist nazis grovelling at the feet of the ummah, the members of the pirate cult of islam, and either can't see that the ummah will make use of the ECHR decision to disallow free speech when public order is threatened by harsh words for the religion of pieces in order to silence all criticism of islam, or they *CAN* see what it means, and intend to use t

rant 0006

back in 1986 , the IRCA (immigration reform and control act) was passed by the congress of the u.s.  part of this act granted amnesty to illegal aliens if they paid any back taxe s due, proved they were not criminals, and proved th at they had at least minimal knowledge of u.s. history, u .s. government, and english.  the democrat s promised that further reforms would be forthcoming, so many folks, myself included, grudgingly a ssented to the amnesty , and congress pa ssed the act.   needless to say, that reform never came, and the de mo crats continue to press for Yet Another amnesty.  so why should we trust the democrats about this issue again?  i'm not linus, the poor schmuck from Peanut s, although the democrats are acting li ke lucy, who yanks the football away every year and leaves linus flipping head over heels.  i wo n't fall for this again.  this time, the reforms have to be real, or i call bulls**t on it.  before we do anything, we need to find out what is happen