
Showing posts from January, 2018

rant 0001

quite a few years ago, i created a blog on blogspot dot com called crazyoldcoder dot blogspot dot com, but after finishing my first rant, appropriately entitled "rant 0000," i promptly forgot my password, and was unable to do anything further with it.  this has been a source of frustration ever since, but it is what it is.  some time ago, it finally occurred to me that i should start a new blog (referring to the first one, of course) with new lower-case rants, but i just didn't have the time for it.  fortunately, my employer at the time, all but a few of whose executives came up in the industry, had never had to run a business with making money in mind, so when the internet took off, their business - big printing - took a nosedive, and they have been unable to recover.  it's not really their fault, since once printing became automated in the middle to late 19th century, it was not possible to lose money in the business.  when a business has infinite access to cash, th