
rant 0010

recently, i saw a post on a linkedin group in which an apparent leftist, whom i will call sasha, says that she can think of "plenty of reasons" to trash a college republican party, or that party in general.  she goes on to say that such people have a "sad inability to engage in ... discourse on a particular issue," and deleting comments that don't agree with their "uneducated" rhetoric.  i tried to post there, but LI has a ridiculously small comment size, so i posted an edited version of the first paragraph of the following screed, then put a link to this post at the end.  i hope she reads it, but "deleting posts" and not reading answers is common to folks on both sides of current issues.  as i note at the end of this post, i hope that i can actually talk with people like her, because i happen to agree that refusing to listen to the other side is *ALWAYS* a Bad Idea. really, Sasha?  i'm a nazicrat, and have been for fifty years; i have no

A Possible Solution to Wage Slavery

today i stumbled across a website from another old fart who can't be pigeon-holed; his name is charles hughes smith ( this particular post of his interested me, because i have thought about this particular thing for some time now, but didn't know how to approach it. it turned out that writing a letter to him helped my put my own thoughts in order, and this posting is the result. his view is interesting, and is perhaps somewhat leftist, but he seems willing to discuss things, so I found his contact and sent him this email (please excuse the use of capital letters; i often use proper capitalization when writing to people so as not to put them off. stackoverflow once gave me a ration of s**t for not doing so, so i removed all my posts and deleted my account): Mr. Hughes: I see from your blog and website that U claim to be non-partisan. I just discovered U today, so I haven't rea

rant 0008

it's funny how the police in the capitol were completely unprepared for large crowds this past week. as far as i can tell, mr. trump's folks got permits for the rally, and included permits to march on the capitol. if the police didn't know about that, it's the fault of the nazis running the city, not the president; he has *NO* authority to order the police to do anything. only the mayor can order the city police to do anything, and only congress can order the capitol police to do anything. if neither of these departments was informed about the march, it is the fault of the city and congressional administrations, not the president's organizations, nor of the people attending the rally and marching. i have seen a video of the marchers in the street, and they were not brandishing pitchforks and torches; rather, they were somewhat quietly singing the star-spangled banner and otherwise walking peacefully. i have seen another video in which double doors going into


the notice on the Blogger control panel is interesting; it tells me that i am responsible for compliance with european union laws regarding notice to my readers (all zero of them) of the use of cookies and google tools.  i *was* born in paris, but my parents were american-born, and were both in the employ of the u.s. national government at the time; furthermore, i have not touched foot in eurabia since i was two months old, numerous decades ago.  i rather expect that the worst that the eurabian dictatorship can do to me is block my blog, because i don't give a rat's a** *what* they think, or do.  they're all a bunch of leftist nazis grovelling at the feet of the ummah, the members of the pirate cult of islam, and either can't see that the ummah will make use of the ECHR decision to disallow free speech when public order is threatened by harsh words for the religion of pieces in order to silence all criticism of islam, or they *CAN* see what it means, and intend to use t

rant 0006

back in 1986 , the IRCA (immigration reform and control act) was passed by the congress of the u.s.  part of this act granted amnesty to illegal aliens if they paid any back taxe s due, proved they were not criminals, and proved th at they had at least minimal knowledge of u.s. history, u .s. government, and english.  the democrat s promised that further reforms would be forthcoming, so many folks, myself included, grudgingly a ssented to the amnesty , and congress pa ssed the act.   needless to say, that reform never came, and the de mo crats continue to press for Yet Another amnesty.  so why should we trust the democrats about this issue again?  i'm not linus, the poor schmuck from Peanut s, although the democrats are acting li ke lucy, who yanks the football away every year and leaves linus flipping head over heels.  i wo n't fall for this again.  this time, the reforms have to be real, or i call bulls**t on it.  before we do anything, we need to find out what is happen

rant 0005

just a quick post today; i have found a blog whose writer is an american of whom i am proud to be a fellow citizen.  redpilljew dot blogspot dot com is subtitled " Musings from a capital-C Conservative American Jew," and is the blog of a man who understands that in the main, the State is a dangerous organization which must have constant oversight by free people in order to keep it under control.  he noted in one post ( that " a lack of stimulation of a brain structure in infancy and developmental years often leads to deficiencies in performance of that structure in adulthood," then goes on to present an idea which i had not considered before, which i will present in his own words:  Any advanced and thriving civilization has large numbers of people – especially at the top of the pile – who are comfortable and safe, and are so for generations.  This lack of meaningful threats, from bi

rant 0004

some time back, i wrote a quick post on my googal plus (as in "goolag") account about the way we (the human race) generate energy.  for our entire existence on this planet, we have needed energy, and for the larger part of that existence, our need for energy has been critical, in that lacking an energy source, even temporarily, would cause our demise.  within the past few thousand years (a blip, geologically speaking), we have created cooperative social structures that taken together, we can call civilization; because of the specializations of people living in civilization, our ability to find and generate energy has grown by orders of magnitude.  now, some say that our generation and use of energy is threatening the very stability of the environment, potentially even causing it to go into thermal runaway and end up at a new equilibrium point at the melting point of some metals, much like that of the planet venus.  that's as may be, although i have my doubts; it is *e